Conscious Capital Goes Prime Time

Just like the writer of an article in Conscious Company Magazine entitled “How the “Sharks” are Missing the Blue Ocean of Conscious Capitalism,” the show “Shark Tank” piques the interest of most in the investment banking world, as it shows an elementary snapshot of what we do to the world.
In this article, Jeff Cherry speaks of an episode where the “Sharks” were presented with an opportunity from a “conscious capitalist” with an impact investment and how the different investors looked at the deal which seems to mirror the different outlooks in the “real world.” Jeff Cherry sums it up well by saying, “In the words of author and TEDx star Simon Sinek, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”
The missing piece of the puzzle is the seeming inability of many investors to see the writing society is spraying on the proverbial walls of Wall Street and Corporate America like so much revolutionary graffiti. As a society, we are making new and different decisions about whom we want to work for, buy from, partner with, and allow into our communities.
In this new “Purpose Economy,” your ability to create financial value will be directly correlated to the manner and magnitude with which you first create societal value. We’re leaving the world where you can generate “greedy” profits first, give back later, and still expect customers, employees, communities, and suppliers to be genuinely engaged in your success. The old question, “Can you do good and do well at the same time?” is no longer valid. In the Blue Ocean of Conscious Capitalism, if you’re not doing good, you’re going to be much less likely to do well.